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Upper Township Cheerleading

Upper Township Cheerleading

Code of Conduct

You are representatives of the Upper Township Indians Cheerleading team and we expect you to put your best foot forward at all times.  Remember that good sportsmanship is an important part of being a cheerleader. That means we build our team and individual spirits up, without ever putting another team or person down.  When you are in uniform, act appropriately and respectfully.

UTCA Rules

  1.  Appropriate dress for practice and games is required.  No one will be permitted to cheer without sneakers.  Hair must be pulled back off the face and no jewelry (stud earrings are acceptable).  These are safety issues and there will be no exceptions.

  2. Respect each other & each other's property.  Be kind and encouraging to one another; teasing & put downs will not be tolerated.  We have implemented a Zero Tolerance policy towards Bullying.

  3. You are responsible for your uniform, and it must be returned in the same condition as it was received.  If the uniform is damaged or not returned at the end of the season you will be responsible for the cost of replacing it.

  4.  No tumbling or stunting unless the coach is present.  No jumping off, playing under or around the bleachers at the field or the community center.

  5. There is no eating at games or practices.  You may bring a water bottle, please make sure it has a lid to prevent spills.

  6. Please advise your coach if your child is unable to attend practice or a game.  We understand that things come up, but please make every effort to be at all practices and games.

For All Games

  1. Arrive to games on time and game ready.  Please make sure all bathroom visits are taken care of before meeting time.

  2. No makeup.  Varsity may be permitted to wear some, but must be approved by your coach.

  3. Uniform is to be clean and worn with socks and sneakers.  Make sure you have all coordinating items with you at every game.  Shell, skirt, briefs, long sleeves, leggings, socks, sneakers & jacket.  Fall weather can change quickly, and we may need to add or remove an item to stay comfortable.  If you do not have all pieces of your uniform you will have to sit out for part of the game. 

  4. Hair is to be neat & pulled back into high pony tail, with the provided bow.  No other hair accessories besides hair color bobby pins. Please use hairspray as needed: no fly-aways, please!  If you have short hair or need help, please contact one of your coaches.



Upper Township Cheerleading Association
PO Box 307 
Marmora, New Jersey 08223

Email: [email protected]

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